Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library

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Hoopla streaming audiobooks, music, video & ebooks with your library card!

Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet or phone – and even your TV!

Download the Hoopla app, or visit Hoopla Digital to get started!

Please note: Borrowing limit of 10 titles per month.

Getting Started with Hoopla:

Before you begin:

You'll need a valid library card number and an email address to sign up for your Hoopla account.

Hoopla on your Computer:

Visit HooplaDigital.com


Hoopla on your Smartphone or Tablet:

On the Apple App Store:

Apple App Store

On the Amazon App Store:

Amazon App Store

On Google Play:

Google Play App Store